Percussion: Aldous "No More Lonely Nights" Castro

Dos used to play guitars for his old I.S. High School band, enjoyed music through college (He was an active member of the Ateneo Musician’s Pool or AMP)
but never really imagined he would take up Music or playing for that matter seriously until that fateful day in December, 2002.

Briggs took him to a club formerly known as Club S.Ex, where SDM was scheduled to perform. That same night, he was coaxed to jam with the band
despite the fact that he’s never heard ANY of their songs.

The band decided to “take him in” after that impromptu jam session.

Currently, Dos has added more Percussion “toys” than you can imagine and has gone beyond the bongos to provide the ambient feel in SDM’s Music.

He is a major follower of Chris Cornell, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, and Jamiroquai to name a few…

Site Design: underthebriggs music
Copyright 2003